Frédéric Baron is eager to thank the numerous persons who, from far and near have contributed to the achievement of this project and most particularly Stéphane Baron, Jean-Claude de Feugas, Claire Kito, Daniel Boulogne and Olivier Pelat.
Special Thanks
Stéphane Baron ,Jean-Claude de Feugas, Claire Kito, Daniel Boulogne, Olivier Pelat, François Jacquemont, Georgia Hanouna, Marc Migneaux, Jean-Claude Bloch, Pierre Housieaux, Father Berger, Father Ayad, Laure Morandina, Laurent Reiz, Michel Langlois, Daniel Didier, Servien family, Alisée, Claire Moïse, Alain Noguès, Marie-Claire Bataille, Laetitia Bloch, Dominique at PRC, Antoine Dusseaux, Madeleine Karp, Agnès Baron, The Oral Languages Research Center of CNRS, Pamela Lehman, Patrick Lam, Jérôme Marcantetti, Marc, Josquin Wagner, Jaime Ribeiro, Sandrine Gulbenkian, Marie Lung, Mr Sclar, Mr Soriano, Solange Gelblat, Mireille Devals, Rosine Crémieux, Patricia Stojkovic, Daniel Sebag, Alexandre et Diana Baron, Amira Caesar, Eric Cattelain, Elida Bance, Faycal, Linda de Suza, Jeff Leroux, Sophie Rouchon, Sébastien Thiery, Mr Chauvin, Didier Couderc, Denis Goise, Jean-Guillaume Vieux, Louis-Xavier Dauguet, Brigitte Benkemoun, La Société des Américanistes, UNESCO, Abed Azrie, Mrs Jullien, Nan Levanneur, The British Council, Nicolas Cueff, Nil Dream, Mr Caubet, Antoine Cavigneaux, Remy et Béa, Michel Fédi, Laurent Carle, Mrs Talua, Jean Kudela, Sister Christie, Samba Dieng, Mr Thiam, Rouaquim Gallarsa, Thierry et Cathy, Mr Sissé, Sandrine Duclerq, Philippe Ménecié, Bilkish Houssein- Stern, Michel Launey, Stanislas Astier, Miss Mynt, Evelyne Ferry,La Maison de l'hébreu, The Musée de l'Homme, Catherine Tedeschi, Maria, La Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Mr Peyramaure, Eric Navet, Thérèse Planton et Gérard Doussin, Charles Amaru, Michel Panoff, Zaher Hachemi, Sabouri Matab, Mohamed, Michelle Therrien, Mrs Revol-Tissot, Père Youssif, Aux Iles Philippines, René et Josy, La Route de la Soie, Peter and Oriel Caine, The "Centre Culturel Arabe Syrien" in Paris, Silvia Columb, Fabien et Philippe,Marie Gilesova, Monika, Professor Benaudis, Mrs Elahi, Mr Djelmaldio, Mrs Seydoux, Mr Bertrand Delanoë, Chez Robert, Abderrahmane Iraoui, Kamel Richard, Sourire de Chine, Mr et Mrs Sellem- Franc, Association Valentin Haüy, Indonesia Fraternity, Pascal Bellorini, Sabraj, Tashi Delek, Mr Dia, Mr Bitong, Alexis, Mrs Cathanet, La délégation de la Finlande auprés de l'OCDE, Terry Crawford, Bernadette Revirand-Van de Winkel, Eric Riba, Georges du Midi, Mrs Pommaret, Les Amis du Bhoutan, Okuno Kenichi, Eric Suter, Yoneko Kikouchi, The teachers of Inalco, all the Ambassys and Consulates in Paris, Mr Guénau, all the Wall building firms, Les Parcs et Jardins de la Ville de Paris, André Hofmann, Marcel Barbaro, Matthieu Romancant, Michel Migette… and thousands over anonymous people I met during my quest of love to built The Wall of I love You and to make known all around the world
I love you : the wall.